Tuesday, April 15, 2008

So Much Potential

Student U. Summer 2008 officially began on Saturday with Family Day. Our fifty returning students were joined by our new class of fifty rising sixth graders as well as our thirty-two college-age teachers. Below are the remarks I made to welcome the new Student U. community together for the first time:

Welcome to the 2008 Student U. Family Day

My name is Mr. Kimberg, the Director of Student U.

Can I have all of the returning students, students who were here with us last summer, stand up? This is a great moment for you. One year ago, you were sitting in these same seats a little nervous, a little unsure of what you were getting yourselves into. Now, after a full year of Student U. programming, you have the great opportunity, the great responsibility, to welcome a whole new group of students into this program which you have grown to love so much. Join me in welcoming our fifty new students. Will the rising sixth graders please stand up?

So many students. So much potential. So much energy.

We all know that this program cannot work without everyone else in the room today. Teachers, parents, friends, Advisory Board Members, stand up with our students.

Take a second and look around. This is the Student U. Family. Together, we can reach our full potential. Together, we will make this world a better place. Together, we can make our dreams come true.

Welcome to Student U.

Students were then introduced to their family heads and were matched up with their buddies. Families, made up of seven sixth graders, seven seventh graders, and five teachers, spent an hour together came up with a name, created a flag, and wrote a cheer. Each family then presented themselves for the first time as members of the 2008 Student U. Family. To the right is one of Student U.'s newest families, "I Peoplez", who was welcomed into the community on Saturday.

Our teachers left Family Day excited to have the opportunity to learn from their students throughout the course of the year. Parents walked away proud of their children for being a part of Student U. and appreciative of the high expectations to which the program will hold their children. As one student was saying good-bye to me, he asked why the summer program couldn't start sooner.

100 students, 32 teachers --- so much potential.

1 comment:

Wendy said...


I am the director of CASE at Fuqua. We met at the Student U fundraising breakfast in January and then again through Tony Brown at a community dinner. We talked briefly about my experience with community health care. How can I email you with an idea I have, and a favor?

Wendy Kuran