Friday, October 24, 2008

Nick Johnson - "I have a Dream"

The following speech was given by Nicholas Johnson on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. Nick was one of Student U.'s five winners it the annual D.C. speech writing contest.

I have a dream to be free and to be myself.
I have a dream to see good cards and ideas dealt.
I have a dream to keep hope alive.
I have a dream to pursue happy vibes.
I have a dream to see world change.
I have a dream to better my community.
I have a dream to bring nations together to fellowship as one.
I have a dream to succeed and to see others succeed as well.
I have a dream to be remembered for greatness.
I have a dream to see today and not yesterday.
I have a dream to be equal.
I have a dream to dream higher than Dr. King.
I have a dream to know why the caged bird sings.
I have a dream to be a leader and not a follower.
I have a dream to see justice.
I have a dream to see my dreams come true.
I have a dream to see you change the world too.
I have a dream to change the world through you.

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